Payment By PayPal Now Accepted

Added on by the ikebana shop.
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ANNOUNCEMENT: To our mail-order customers, we can now accept payments by Paypal.  We understand if you are not comfortable about giving us your credit card information.   Paypal eliminates that need.  Just let us know you want to make your purchase via Paypal and we will send you a Paypal invoice.  You don’t need a Paypal account (though it is convenient if you already have one!) to make a payment.

Free Castella 7/16 (Sat)

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Many liked it when we had that free cookie & cupcake day last we decided to do it again this month.  This time we invite you to taste castella (see below).  We timed the day to coincide with the Quinpool Cruise Day to give people that extra reason to visit Quinpool.  Enjoy a bite of castella before you go on to hear the blues and see the classic cars on parade!

castella free.jpg
Castella is a popular Japanese sponge cake made from flour, eggs and sugar.  This cake was introduced to Japan by Portuguese merchants back in the 16th century.  At that time, use of dairy products was not normal in Japan and it so happened that the Pão de Castela (the Portuguese name for this cake that means “bread from Castile”) was one of the few European cakes that did not use dairy products in its recipe.  This was the reason why this cake survived in Japan...and eventually evolved into the current Japanese version called “castella”.

(Photo by the ikebana shop.  All rights reserved.)


Added on by the ikebana shop.

Tanabata (七夕) is a festival celebrating the reunion of two star-crossed lovers: Altair (the Cow-herd star) and Vega (the Weaver star). There are many versions of this ancient Chinese legend, but the main gist is about how Altair and Vega were forbidden to see each other again by Vega’s father, the Heavenly King. The two are separated by the Milky Way and were allowed to meet only on the 7th day of the 7th month. On this day, a bridge would appear on the Milky Way and the two could meet. However, if it rained that day, the bridge would not appear. 

In Japan, tanabata is celebrated by writing one's wish on a small piece of paper (called "tanzaku") and hanging the wish on a bamboo branch. If on on the eve July 7th, the sky is clear and you can see the stars, then your wish will come true!


Next time you visit the shop, please make a wish and hang it on our bamboo branches. We've prepared the paper for you plus you get an origami star [while supply lasts] to remind you to watch the stars on July 7th!  (All free of charge of course...)


(All photos by the ikebana shop.  All rights reserved.)