Prince Andrew High School Students Visit

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Today we welcomed to our studio about 20+ students and two teachers from Prince Andrew High School.  They came to learn a little bit more about ikebana.  They were treated to a live demonstration of ikebana.  Thank you for asking many questions.


Many thanks to Mrs. Shannon Patterson for bringing the students.  We are very grateful for her efforts in giving the young people an opportunity to be exposed to other forms of art like ikebana.  This is our second time to receive a visit from Prince Andrew High students.  We hope to see the next batch in 2012. We love the youthful energy and enthusiasm that they bring!

Sorry it was a little crowded but we hope you found it interesting!

Here are the two arrangement created today: basic upright moribana (right) and free-style (left)...a play with mass and, did you notice that the roses were installed just make them peek out from behind the weeds?

Images of the students are published with their permission.
All photos by the ikebana shop.  All rights reserved.

How To Appreciate Ikebana

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Here is a little slide presentation that we prepared for Nocturne 2011.  We are in Zone 4, #68 in the guidebook. (  

We hope it will make the experience of seeing our ikebana exhibit more interesting.  Please visit the shop on Oct.15th (Sat), 6PM - 12 midnight.  See you!

Also, Miyako will be performing live ikebana demonstrations at Pier 21 - Canadian Museum of Immigration.

 Tentative demonstration schedule: 7:30, 8:30, 9:30.

This slide presentation was prepared for our exhibit at the Nocturne 2011, Art At Night event, Oct 15, 2011, 6PM-12 midnight, Halifax NS. Acknowledgements: * All Japan scenery photos were downloaded from Tomo.Yun (, a free stock photo website. * The basic upright arrangement (depicting "heaven, earth and man) is the work of Heather Schellinck.

Hand-Made Cat Pin Buttons

Added on by the ikebana shop.
We love to get crafty in our shop!  

See our cat pin buttons...

We gave each one a name because they are all hand-made and one-of-a-kind!  Which one do you like?

Made in Nova Scotia.  $3.50 ea.

(All photos by the ikebana shop.  All rights reserved.)

QuinFest Fun!

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Thank you to all who visited Quinpool Road on QuinFest yesterday.  We were very happy to see the street alive and bustling. 

Our tiny fishing pool was surrounded all the time with little hands trying to hook their target yo-yo water balloons.  We loved hearing the shrieks of delight from the children.  500 balloons were quick to disappear!  We hope you all had fun.  ....and we'll see you all again in next year's QuinFest!

We would like to thank the Quinpool Road Mainstreet District Association for organizing this annual event.  We also thank the weather for being such a great sport!

(Photos by the ikebana shop.  All rights reserved.)

Dahlias Transformed

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Last Sunday, we chanced upon an exhibit by the Dahlia Society of Nova Scotia. ( They were showcasing their perfectly grown dahlias.  We could feel the care and devotion that were given to bring these blooms into this beautiful culmination!  We were also lucky enough to bring home some of the flowers at the end of the day.

Here is a little ikebana arrangement using some of the lovely dahlias.  We used a soft vine and let it flow down from the mass of dahlia.  The arrangement is currently displayed at the shop.

(Photos by the ikebana shop.  All rights reserved.)