Ikebana Demo At The Eastern Shore Garden Club

Added on by post@theikebanashop.com.

Last night we were guests of the Eastern Shore Garden Club. If you must attend one of their meetings, make it August...because that's the month when most everyone brings lovely blooms from their gardens. And so we were lucky to be treated with an array beautiful and fragrant flowers! 


We thank the Eastern Shore Garden Club for giving us the opportunity to demonstrate what ikebana is all about. 


It was the first time for Miyako to wear a headset microphone too! Looked more professional! (^_^) 


We hope you enjoyed the arrangements. 


We were very happy to see many people interested. Hopefully we were able to answer most of your questions! 


*We are all so pleased with your presentation last evening. The response from all members is most positive.... The nine years I have been a member I don't recall this much enthusiasm. * ----Nora, Program Director.

*Well I hate to go on and on about the great presenter we had tonight because those of you who were not there might be injured by kicking yourself too hard for not being able to attend BUT they were very, very good!* ---Darlene, in an email to her fellow members

Thank you to everyone at the Eastern Shore Garden Club!

(All photos by the ikebana shop. All rights reserved.)