Bento Tools: Wiener Cutters

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Transform your cocktail smokies with wiener cutters!


​Here are a few tips:
1. Put the sausages in the freezer for about 20 minutes before using.  This "hardens" them up so they are easier to cut.
2. Add a thin layer of cooking oil on the sausage before cutting.  This helps make a smooth extraction.
3. Slice off any tied ends of the sausage.
4. Grill in pan or boil the sausages after cutting.


​Available in four shapes: octopus, crab, tulip and penguin.  Made in Japan.


​Available at the shop or by mail order.  Octopus, $3.50 each.  Crab, tulip and penguin, $4.50 each.  In Canadian dollars and subject to HST where applicable

(All photos by the ikebana shop.  All rights reserved.)