My Ikebana: For Hanadayori 2021

Added on by the ikebana shop.

Being halfway around the world, we would never have even dreamed of participating in the Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival! With the pandemic, some of its activities have shifted online and we are honoured to play a part this year! We'd like to thank Dr. Shoso Simbo, Shoan Lo and the rest of the organizers for accepting us to this year's event.

Hanadayori: Ikebana By Request is part of the Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival.

“Hanadayori is a unique ikebana exhibition which directly connects ikebana artists with a wide audience. It aims to introduce two way interaction, from the audience to artists and from artists to the audience. This approach makes it possible for ikebana artists to find out what people really want from ikebana. It is a challenging but rewarding experience to create artworks based on requests from strangers.

This project not only connects ikebana artists with people all over the world, but in a world where the pandemic is causing so much suffering, these small connections though flowers might help to bring some joy and healing.” (from the Hanadayori 2021 website)

The request we received was from Hyderabad, India. It was for an arrangement with 4 colours.

Please enjoy the full exhibition here!