Time To Wind Down

Added on by the ikebana shop.

To all who loved our masks, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

After over 3000 masks in more than 200 patterns, it is time to wind down the mask-making activity. Our masks will not completely disappear. They will still be available online and in our shop for a while. But we are slowing down the pace.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, masks were scarce and hard to find.  We believed that face masks could help. We were not scientific folk; our belief in the good of face masks was not from any rigorous, evidence-based study. But we came from Japan…and in Japan, when one caught a cold, it was normal to wear a mask in consideration of others. It wasn’t to protect oneself; it was to protect the community from oneself. So, we made masks with our little home sewing machine. We sold our masks “at cost”. It was our own little way of helping our community battle this pandemic. And the next two months turned out to be one of the busiest times for us just keeping up with demand we actually had not expected!

But now, the big stores seem to have face masks available already….even the dollar store has them for sale. Time for us small players to step back and let the big boys fill the need. Besides, we are getting ready to re-open our shop really soon!

Things seem to be looking better for us here in Nova Scotia but please stay vigilant. Let’s keep washing our hands frequently! Stay safe. We are all in this together.

Updated October 2nd, 2020
As of October 1st, 2020, we have officially ended our mask-making activity.
We thank you for loving our masks.